Other Services Provided By The Practice




Audiology Service

We provide hearing assessments and fitting of hearing aids to patients. Your doctor may refer you if they feel this will benefit you.


Musculoskeletal Service

We provide an inhouse Musculoskeletal service to see carefully selected patients referred by their doctor.


Health Walks

NHS One You Kent Ramsgate Walk and Talk Group meeting outside the East Cliff Practice Surgery by the bicycle racks every Thursday at 11:30am.

Don’t forget to remind your patients/family/friends.

All welcome for some friendly exercise and company.

Learn more on the Kent Community Health website

walkers photo


Dermatascope Service

Assessment of pigmented lesions is undertaken for patients referred by their doctor.


Carers Support

We hope to reinstate the carers support adviser service at the practice at some point in the future.

Carers support also have a regular get together for carers to meet and chat and provide support to each other.


Physiotherapy Service

This service is provided from the medical centre by Musculoskeletal Services Limited.


Midwife clinics

Midwifery led clinics delivered to pregnant ladies registered at the practice


Health Visitor Clinics

Health Visitor clinics delivered to families registered at the practice


One You - Weight Loss Clinics

A ten week programme to support patients who are concerned about their weight and who are looking for support to do so.


National Diabetes Prevention Programme

A National programme aimed at supporting patients who are identified as being at risk of developing diabetes.


Rheumatology Clinic

A locally delivered clinic run for patients with arthritis.


Ageless Thanet

Ageless Thanet are providing FREE, high quality, local activities for 50+ residents in Margate and Ramsgate. If you are 50+ and live in CT9, CT11 or CT12, you could benefit from one of their fantastic 10 week activity programmes. From Art classes to Tai Chi, Swimming to Stone Carving, they are working hard to offer something for everyone, right in the very heart of the community. Please click on Ageless Thanet to find out services being provided by Your Leisure.



Porchlight provide support and advice on areas such as money, housing, education, training and volunteering. 


Armed Forces Covenant

Please let us know whether you have ever served in the British Armed Forces. 

For more information on the armed forces covenant please and the support available please visit the Kent and Medway Armed Forces Network Website