



Adult Immunisations

Meningitis ACWY

one dose between 18-25 years is highly effective in providing cover against 4 strains of meningitis


Tetanus & Polio

Protection against tetanus and polio should be kept up to date. A full primary course of 3 vaccinations with a booster at 15 years of age should be followed by at least two boosters at 10 year intervals to protect throughout life.


MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)

Two doses over the age of 1 year is highly effective in presenting MMR.



Annual protection against influenza is offered to patients aged 65 and over and those at high risk, e.g., with chronic heart, chest and breathing disorders, and diabetes. Find out more here


Shingles and Pneumonia

The shingles vaccine is given as a single injection into the upper arm. Unlike the flu jab, you'll only need to have the vaccination once and you can have it at any time of the year.

The shingles vaccine is expected to reduce your risk of getting shingles. If you are unlucky enough to go on to have the disease, your symptoms may be milder and the illness shorter.

The pneumococcal vaccine protects against serious and potentially fatal pneumococcal infections. It's also known as the "pneumo jab" or pneumonia vaccine.


Travel Immunisations

The practice nurses will give advice on foreign travel and any other immunisations required. We are not a registered Yellow Fever Centre.

A minimum of eight weeks notice is required. If you are unable to give this, you may wish to check whether we have an available appointment. If the nurses are fully booked you should be prepared to arrange your immunisation through a private travel clinic. Details can be found on the holiday travel page

If you are uncertain about whether you need any recommended vaccines one of our practice nurses will be happy to give advice.


Useful websites

  • Fit for Travel: a public access website provided by the NHS (Scotland). It gives travel health information for people travelling abroad from the UK
  • Foreign and Commonwealth Office
  • NHS Immunisation: the most comprehensive, up-to-date and accurate source of information on vaccines, disease and immunisation in the UK.